team of creatives
Illustratie van Godfried onderdeel van het team van creative union
Godfried Dhondt
Concept & Copy
Illustratie van Hans onderdeel van het team van creative union
Hans Ris
Video Producer
Illustratie van Dustin
Dustin Douma
Art Direction


Since 2007, CU communicatie has been known as a creative partner for brands that want to grow and make an impact. As many brands are looking for innovative ways to differentiate themselves, we have continued to develop ourselves. In recent years, we have developed and grown as a team – and we are now marking that growth with a new name and a fresh focus: Creative Union, Story Studio. In other words, our transformation reflects our ambition to create more meaningful stories. In short, CU communicatie becomes Creative Union, where our team builds new, meaningful stories together with our clients. That is why we invite you to take this next step with us.

At Creative Union, we work with a core team of passionate experts: a marketing strategist, art director, animator, copywriter, video producer and web developer. In addition, each team member has years of experience in his or her field. Each team member contributes to our shared goal from his or her own specialization: translating the unique stories of our clients into creative and effective solutions. In this way, our team ensures that every project perfectly matches the wishes of the client. Around our core team, we have a flexible shell of external professionals, so that we can always switch quickly and handle projects of any size. This means that we can efficiently realize both small and large-scale projects.

Our services are as versatile as our team: from captivating art & copy for social media and advertising to powerful video productions, 3D visualizations and animations. In addition, we offer support in developing comprehensive marketing campaigns. We master all tools within Adobe Creative Cloud and use them to deliver top-quality marketing strategies, brand identities and visual communication. As a result, we can always provide our clients with high-quality creative solutions.


The name CU takes on a new meaning in Creative Union: on the one hand it stands for “see you” – an invitation to collaborate and connect – and on the other hand it emphasizes our mission to tell stories that really touch as a creative unit. That is to say, our team always strives for impactful results for our clients. Creative Union thus offers a powerful mix of creativity and strategy, with which we tell the story of your brand in an authentic way and thus make it grow. In short, we create stories that both inspire and connect.

We have been CU communications since 2007. Today we welcome you to Creative Union – Story Studio. CU soon!

The Creative Union team is also responsible for Real Estate Marketing 50B and animation production.

Illustratie van Pim onderdeel van het team van creative union
Pim Verweij
Web Developer
Illustratie van Marloes
Marloes Kiezebrink
2D Animator
Illustratie van Jeroen
Jeroen Verduijn
3D producer

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© 2025 Creative Union
Creative Union creates meaning with your content – inspire us to tell your story.


Over ons



Contact Us


3D Animatie


Graphic Design

Animatie & infographic


Privacy Statement



phone number

+31 20 488 95 88

our address

Keizersgracht 62, 1015 CS Amsterdam