animation & infographic
online commercial
Een op maat gemaakte online commerciële animatie, ontwikkeld door Creative Union.
Een op maat gemaakte explanimation, gecreëerd door Creative Union.
explainer video
Een op maat gemaakte explainer-video, ook wel uitleg animatie genoemd geproduceerd door Creative Union.


At Creative Union, we offer a wide range of animations and infographics, perfect for every budget and style. What’s more, we can vary from playful, simple animations to more detailed animations, so our team can meet all your needs. Thanks to our versatility, we are able to create animations in almost any drawing style, namely like the “tailor made” examples you see above. However, keep in mind that unique styles take a little more time, as we fully customize the backgrounds and characters to fit the chosen theme. This means that your story will come to life in a unique way!

To meet different needs with faster production times and lower costs, we have two standardized styles for character animation:

  • Character : A clear and efficient style with simplified characters, perfect for a clean and recognizable result, for example in instructional videos.

  • Character+ : This offers more flexibility; the characters can move the way you want and also fit perfectly into the context you have in mind.

Whether you choose a custom style or one of our standard options, our team will make sure that the animations convey your message powerfully. In addition, for SMEs we have set up the site Animatieslatenmaken . So that you can view more examples of the different styles. And if you want to know what the benefits are of having an animation made, click here.

animation video
Een animatie of explainer-video in Character+ stijl, ontwikkeld door Creative Union.
explainer video
Een explanimation in Character stijl, gemaakt door Creative Union.
Een animatie laten maken in Character+ stijl, ontworpen door Creative Union.


In addition, at Creative Union we create infographics that translate complex information into a visual and inspiring story. Because with our infographics we bring figures and processes to life and present information in an accessible, clear way. Whether it concerns scientific research, a detailed research report, or an abstract process. We ensure that it is explained quickly and compactly using powerful icons and recognizable symbols.

Our infographics are also designed in your own house style colours, so that they are recognisable and consistent with your brand identity. This not only keeps the infographic attractive to the eye, but the animation also ensures that customers feel addressed and are motivated to absorb the information and get started with it.

Check out the different infographic styles we offer below and discover how we can tell your story clearly and inspiringly, for example with a minimalist or colorful approach.

online commercial
Een infographic in Tailor+ Graphics stijl, gecreëerd door Creative Union.
explainer video
Een infographic maken in Core+ Graphics stijl, ontworpen door Creative Union.

Do you need an animation or infographic?

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© 2025 Creative Union
Creative Union creates meaning with your content – inspire us to tell your story.


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3D Animatie


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Animatie & infographic


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+31 20 488 95 88

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Keizersgracht 62, 1015 CS Amsterdam